Evergreen Clean
Eco-Friendly Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specialists.
Domestic & Commercial, Fully Insured, Fully Trained, Free Quotes,
Working to Industry Standards.
Update 05.02.24 - Reforestation has now been put on hold. My focus moving forward will be raising money for local families, and supporting those who are are unable to feed their children. Thank you to everyone who was a part of the reforesting. We managed to plant nearly 500 trees in total and I'm proud my little carpet cleaning company Evergreen Clean managed to pull that off. Stay tuned for more updates over the coming months on our socials.
Update 04.12.23 - For the past few months I have been using profits to feed families who have been struggling to feed their children. Bottles now state for each bottle sold I buy an item of food. I think I'll continue to plant trees but my heart's now in humanitarian work and not as much reforestation. Thank you to everyone who continues to buy bottles, your purchases are not only helping you remove stains and odours but also keeping kids fed over Christmas.
Update 10.07.23 - Ok so there's been a few changes with the donations. I had planned on only planting in the UK, but the cost much like everything else in the UK has gone up. So much so there's literally no money to plant trees from the sale of the bottles, its gone up over a 100%. So I am back planting in other parts of the world. Secondly you may of noticed I haven't been posting my certificates on here. Thats because its using up a lot of server space, so I am now posting them on my social media. I'd like to think my word is good enough, but I've been uploading them as proof that's where the money is being spent.
Update 22.4.23 - This month I had the final design and colour of the bottles finished, so everything now matches the logo colour. I also managed to sell another 16 bottles and donated the profits from those sales to planting 16 trees. Speaking of which all donations will now go to UK reforestation projects. I'll go into more detail about what that means next month but for now thank you as always for your continued business.
Update 16.2.23 - Happy New Year! Its been a while since my last post. So I thought Id do an update on what's been going on. Late last year I decided to put a hold on the tree planting and instead use the profits to feed families struggling because of the cost of living crisis. If you have Facebook check out how that went by searching Evergreen Clean. In short I took the profits from the sale of the bottles over three months and filled a trolley full of food, that food was then put into hampers and given out at Christmas eve. Wholesome stuff :) I'm now back plating trees but will be doing something similar this Christmas so thank you once again to everyone who keeps buying bottles, you're not only saving the planet, using less chemicals in the home, but you are helping local charities.
Update 10.8.22 - I have been so busy of late I've not had a chance to update the website. What with a newborn and work things have been hectic to say least! The good news however is I've sold enough bottles of our products to plant 412 trees! The hardest part of this project is getting people to switch from toxic high street stain removers to a greener product, but I'm happy I've managed to get a few hundred people to switch and not only reduce the amount of harmful chemicals used in peoples homes, but help reforestation projects around the world.
Update 1.5.22 - I finally managed to convince my supplier to bottle one of my favourite products. A powerful anti-fungal odour neutraliser. This is the same product I use to eliminate odours with our services side of the business. It comes in a lovely ocean fresh fragrance, and can now be bought from our online store. Once again for every bottle sold we'll plant a tree.
Update 22.4.22 - We didn't sell many bottles this month as the new baby and sleepless nights meant my focus was elsewhere. To make up for this I planted 20 trees for Earth Day to help biodiversity. This brought the total number of trees planted to 376. Not bad for a sole trader!
Update 24.3.22 - Last week we launched our new product, a powerful odour neutraliser. This now joins our non toxic stain remover which you can buy from our online store. We managed to sell half a dozen bottles and in turn plant half a dozen trees. Oh and we also had a new addition to the family, a baby girl we named Violet.
Update 25.2.22 - We managed to plant another 14 trees today. It's a small amount but it felt good sending over the donation money to our reforestation partners.
Update 2.1.22 - Happy New Year! thanks to selling over 20 bottles over Christmas I was able to plant 20 more trees. This now brings the total to 328! Better still these trees will be planted in the U.K to help create green spaces in marginalized areas, as well as educational opportunities and community led planting events. Thank you again as always to everyone who continues to buy bottles.
Update 17.11.21 - I'm pleased to announce I have reached my goal of 300 trees! Thank you to everyone who bought bottles and those of you who continue to buy them. My hope is that one day I'll of helped reforestation projects by planting in excess of 1,000 trees. Thank you again to everyone, I'll update once more when I've planted 400!
Update 31.10.21 - Thanks to a kind donation and a fair number of sales I was able to plant 40, yes 40 trees in the space of a few days. This means I have managed to plant 288 trees to help reforestation projects! I am confident that I will exceed my goal of 300 by the end of the year. Thank you to everyone who bought a bottle, went green and helped saved the planet.
Update 29.8.21 - Thanks to a large order of bottles by a local business and one all the one down in Bury St Edmunds I was able to donate towards another twenty trees this month. This now brings the total to 248 trees! I had set my target at 300 trees planted by January 2022, and I'm confident I can reach that over the next few months
Update 7.7.21 - Its been a slow couple of months for sales, mostly due to the on-going struggle of switching people from cheap toxic stain removers to our slightly more expensive non toxic version. Still I continue to sell when I can, and have managed to plant over 220 trees, this month to help reforest Chimpanzee habitats.
Update 23.4.21 - We have now planted over 200 trees! 208 to be exact. Thank you to everyone who purchased a bottle of our non toxic stain remover from the online store. Our next goal is to try and reach 300 by this time next year.
Update 19.3.21 - We have now planted almost 200 trees! Not only have we nearly reached our next milestone, but this months profits also went towards the building of wells in Malawi.
Update 14.1.21 - With multiple lockdowns 2020 for most of us was a difficult year. Despite this I managed to sell 172 bottles of our non toxic stain remover and in doing so plant 172 trees. You can read below where these trees were planted. We also launched our second product with each bottle sold £1 going towards a local children's hospice.
Update 23-09-20 - We are pleased to announce Evergreen Clean has now planted 136 trees to help reforestation projects.
Hello my name is Matt and I am the owner of Evergreen Clean. Firstly thank you for taking the time to visit my website and hopefully read what we're about.
When I started the company back in 2014 and was deliberating with my wife what I should name the business, I knew whatever we finally decided on it had to be focused on being green.
I didn't know back then about being socially responsible, and to be honest I didn't even know if the business would survive once I had started it.
Thank fully Evergreen Clean grew and grew. Even though as of writing this we are still a relatively new company, we have come a long way since our humble beginnings, and as we approach our fifth year of trading I wanted to expand upon our green credentials.
To take you back to how this all began, in May 2019 I first started to look into planting trees using profits from bookings, this experiment was going great and then we found out my wife was pregnant. As you can imagine, what was going to be a journey into my first foray into reforestation now became a journey into parenthood.
We still managed to plant 40 trees, which were all planted in Indonesia to help rebuild Orangutan habitats destroyed by the palm oil industry. The trouble was with a new baby on the way using what little money I had to plant trees ( keep in mind I'm just a sole trader ) now had to go on a cot, nursing chairs and everything else my wife wanted. I wasn't going to argue!

Fast forward to today, with our baby now born and a new vision for helping the planet, I am pleased to announce that from this moment for every bottle sold of our non-toxic stain remover ( which we will be launching this month - January 2020 ) we will be planting a tree. This isn't going to be a one hit wonder either. We plan on doing this for as long as Evergreen Clean operates.
I plan to start small to begin with, with a target of between 100-200 trees planted a year. It's not a huge amount but it's something. These trees will be planted not just in Indonesia but in other parts of the world too. This page you're now on will eventually be used to update our mission. As each batch of tree saplings are bought and donated I will post the certification onto this page to show our progress.
Thank you for reading, and I do hope if you decide you want to help us achieve our goal by buying this product when it's launched, you'll not only help the environment by reducing chemical waste, but you'll also help the planet too, and that can't be a bad thing.
For those of you that have social media why not follow us on Facebook or Instagram by clicking one of the links below.